These women are the most celebrated and admired icons- none of which were born perfect. (No, Audrey Hepburn didn’t come out of her mother’s womb wearing a Givenchy gown and pearls.. or with that name at that.) And as hard to imagine it is, some of them were mere plain-janes (and sometimes worse) before each of the drastic makeovers they went through. So it’s about time you quit sulking about and blaming your gene pool. If they could do magic like this before the time of fancy hair extensions, miraculous age defying makeup or plastic surgery, then there must be hope for everyone now.

Ann Margret(Ann-Margret Olsson) and Audrey Hepburn (Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston)
Bette Davis(Ruth Elizabeth Davis) and Brigitte Bardot(Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot)
Clara Bow(Clara Gordon Bow) and
Faye Dunaway(Dorothy Faye Dunaway) and Ginger Rogers(Virginia Katherine McMath)
Glora Swanson(Gloria May Josephine Svenson) and Grace Kelly(Grace Patricia Kelly)
Audrey Hepburn,
Faye Dunaway,
Grace Kelly,
Iconic Women
Um not to be rude or anything but where are the Black women?
By: Anonymous on June 18, 2008 at 11:03 AM
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