Ladyhawke, my choice of New Zealander. News about her, below.
As always, I love mixing things every now and then. I have with me the freshest news from the music industry. A collaboration of an Iceland princess and a "Reckoner", Something Peach-y, and an aMIAzing pregnancy. So prepare yourself, cause this post is a KILLER!
I had high fun at Ohh! Crapp. with the amazing news I heard in the site.
Click below the LINKS to get your share of weekly news and mp3s from the music world!
The Killers New Album
M.I.A. Creates a ---
Justice is {WTF?} + Poster
Mr. Oizo and Uffie remix
The Gossip fuses with Simian Mobile Disco
Peaches + Ladyhawke + Bjork + Radiohead = Awesome
The Killers New Album
M.I.A. Creates a ---
Justice is {WTF?} + Poster
Can somebody please explain what this poster is trying to tell us?
The DVD is almost out (yay), and I for one am pretty ecstatic.
Mr. Oizo and Uffie remix
Yep, its a Mr. Oizo feat. Uffie remix. I miss this gal. And I hate not being able to host this mp3, so thanks to Ohh! Crapp for the source.
Mr. Oizo feat. Uffie - Steroids
The Gossip fuses with Simian Mobile Disco
Peaches + Ladyhawk + Bjork + Radiohead = Awesome
Rumors say that Bjork & Radiohead's front man Thom Yorke have recorded a collaboration song titled Nattura to be released on the 20th of Oct!
Peaches is recruiting heaps of people to help her out with her next album including Gonzales, Simian Mobile Disco & Digitalism!
Other than finding out Ladyhawk is a lesbo (does T-bird still apply?), it's been confirmed that her next single is going to be My Delirium with remixes by Chateau Marmont & Fan Death among others!
Mr. Oizo,
Simian Mobile Disco,
The Gossip,
The Killers,
Thom York,
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