1 Smells Like Teen Spirit .......... 5 stars
2 In Bloom .............................. 5 stars
3 Come as You Are ................. 5 stars
4 Breed................................... 4.5 stars
5 Lithium ................................. 5 stars
6 Polly ..................................... 5 stars
7 Territorial Pissings ................. 4 stars
8 Drain You ............................. 4.5 stars
9 Lounge Act ........................... 4.5 stars
10 Stay Away ........................... 4.5 stars
11 On a Plain ............................ 4 stars
12 Something in the Way ........... 5 stars
Track rating Result: 4.7 stars
Favourite track(s) are:
Smells Like Teen Spirit, In Bloom, Come as You Are, Lithium, Something in the Way.
Genre: Grunge , Alternative pop/ rock
Although I did happen to love this song, I would prefer we don't focus on Smells Like Teen Spirit. There are a few things that irk me about this album and that happens to be one of them. It's too popular for all the wrong reasons. It's popular because of an anti-commercialism leaning.
In Bloom is a song that satirizes Nirvana's (at the time) growing fanbase and possibly launches an attack against the leader of the band Earth (as told to me by my dear cousin Kuya Jad), who was a close associate of Kurt's. If it weren't for him, Kurt wouldn't have gotten his hands on a shotgun and Nirvana would have turned into Pearl Jam by now. Honestly!
Come As You are is an obvious highlight for most people, definitely one of my favorites, and Breed is a fast rocker type of heavy metal. Hell, pretty much everything is good here... I take issues with Polly and the aforementioned Smelling Teen Spirits... but that's about it. All in all a fine record!
To Download:
They are sex.
Excuse my language. But they're genius, just passing through :}
-Chloe, x
By: Anonymous on May 24, 2009 at 11:39 AM
I agree. these guys are sex. Esp. Dave Grohl's drumming skills.
By: Jellie Dawn on May 27, 2009 at 8:09 AM
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