"Great guitar riffs with great timing and awesome synergy of the sound"--one of the comments I got after letting a few friends hear So3's single MIA. And I can't help but give the stamp of approval.
On the contrary, So3 wasn't missing in action with their MIA single. The song entrance was reminiscent of The Foo Fighter's Everlong and a bit of Interpol's Heimlich Maneuver but their big-tent guitar rhythms was entirely their own.
The lyrics despite their simplicity was a good formula for a radio-hit. Mike Artamonov (vocals and guitar) was smooth in the vocals but it didn't taint the headbanger-rock quality provided by the So3's Serge Belongie. The duo detonates a Stooges-style boogie-punk bomb that could get any hooligan's fist pumping.
S03 toured to coast-to-coast--San Diego to NYC--spreading the MIA hit to an even wider audience. Listen to this ear-candy and download. For more of S03, go here.
S03 toured to coast-to-coast--San Diego to NYC--spreading the MIA hit to an even wider audience. Listen to this ear-candy and download. For more of S03, go here.
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i have been digging these guys for about a month now, great call man. they deserve lots of attention!!
By: Will on September 3, 2008 at 2:51 PM
Hey Chanteuse, what's up? Just saw your comments in my chat box thing (I'm a bit slow like that). Thanks a lot for voting for me! You should defo enter too. Blog's looking real awesome btw :).
By: Damo on September 4, 2008 at 8:14 PM
You should see these guys live. Great energy, no pretense.
By: Alex on September 5, 2008 at 6:58 AM
@ Will:
I know.. To say they're awesome is the least compliment they ought to receive. thanks for that! Keep on droppin' by!
By: Jellie Dawn on September 5, 2008 at 10:51 AM
@ Alex:
I know right? I'm lookin for spare time to watch these guys.
By: Jellie Dawn on September 5, 2008 at 10:53 AM
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