Let's get the ball going, shall we?We all know Halloween Ball is one of the events we look forward to at All Souls Eve. Whilst I am one of the person who are ambivalent with Halloween (Love or Hate?), I swear to being the apprehensive one when it comes to musical choices. Who said Halloween is was all about swanky costumes, pranks and booze? Here is my trick or treat for you guys, a whole set (read 13 + bonus tracks of my kind of playlist for this season).
Here’s to getting into the spooky swing of things with a proper balance of the right soundtrack, and a whole hell of a lot of candy!
13 and 4 other tracks... *Mwahahahaha*
The Smashing Pumpkins - We Only Come Out at Night
Technically, you could pick out any of The Smashing Pumpkins songs and it would be considered appropriate. The title had a feel for the nature of vampires coming out at night (because they melt during the day, duh), and to be honest with you… sometimes Billy Corgan looks a little bit ghastly. Though the song is agreeably slow, it deserved top spot for the spooky feel.
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Smashing Pumpkins - We Only Come Out at Night2
The Pixies - Bone Machine
The thing about The Pixies is that they have a little bit of something for everyone, but they definitely are not for everyone. This isn’t really your typical party song…unless people know the words and everyone can try to sing along with Frank Black and sorta do that college-rock head bang dance, which for some reason is perfected after a few beers. I put this song as the second spot because it’s a chance to rock out a little bit…and come on, The Pixies are awesome.
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The Pixies - Bone machine3
Metric - Monster Hospital
Though there is a repetitive line in the song, “I fought the war, but the war won”, which may bother you a bit, you'd soon forget about it once you hear enchanting Ms. Emily Haines' vocals pounding on you ears. Basically, any song that starts out with the line, “Bam shika bam shika boom boom bom” is top of it’s class in my book.
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Metric - Monster Hospital4
TV on the Radio - Wolf Like Me
When you want to maintain the upbeat feel of the party, this track from one of my favorite bands, TV on the Radio, is the most fitting one. This jam, which was part of their recent album Dear Science, is probably one of their more popular songs on the mainstream scene. Let your guests jump up and down your sofa cause they should.
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TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me5
Michael Jackson feat. Janet Jackson - Scream
I particularly make it a point to include Jacko in anything Halloween. It's not just the artists' physical features that make Halloween a fearsome thing to behold (Pun Intended), but just that sense of fun accompanying Michael Jackson's songs make this track a Halloween playlist essential.
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Michael Jackson feat. Janet Jackson - Scream6
The Talking Heads - Psycho Killer
I would personally love to be in attendance at a party that played The Talking Heads, better yet, I would love to be friends with a person that played The Talking Heads at their party. Who knows, you might get some movie action while the song is playing.
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The Talking Heads - Psycho Killer6
Sonic Youth - Halloween
Things get a bit slow here (a lot). The scene I'm kinda imagining here is everyone lounging, sort of taking in everything. Just sort of chilling out and taking in the ambiance. It’s the somewhat spoken lyrics, the at-times eerie guitar, and the random bursts of tambourine that makes this song appropriate. the title is, obviously.
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Sonic Youth - Halloween7 - 8
Beck - Scarecrow
So, here is my man, Beck! Now that things are slow and people are in that cool lounge around vibe, it’s only appropriate to bring this dude in (Wonder what Beck would dress up as for Halloween?). I considered putting “Scarecrow” on my list, so hey, what the hell? This is a good song, it’ll continue the chill-laxin’ you have going on.
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Beck - Devil's HaircutDownload |
Beck - Scarecrow9
Gorillaz - Dracula
Please note that this is not “Dragula” by Rob Zombie because he would be featured on a completely other list titled, “Artists that you dress up as for Halloween”. But alas, this song is by the Gorillaz…the mysterious band, made up of cartoon characters, that has managed to keep it’s allure with it’s audience. This song in particular is perfect because it incorporates the seasonal inspiration, but it also caters to that lounge feeling that has developed in the playlist at some point or another. I should also note that the lyrics clearly indicate, “Everybody party time“…what more can be said about the lyrical content than that! This song is a bit out there in the best possible way and provides a good background music to an even better conversation (and of course, drinks).
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Gorillaz - Dracula10
Björk - Play Dead
Björk would also probably be on my list of artists to dress up like, especially if you are talented enough to make that Swan Dress. I am blatantly inspired to include this song not just because of the title but the way eerrie sounds make goosebumps seem persistent throughout the song. It’s slow, it’s somewhat pretty, and it’s got that great Björk yell in it at multiple points in the song. Chillin' track.
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Bjork - Play Dead10
Goldfrapp - Monster Love
This song is slow “.” It may even be safe to yell out a humorous “couples only” when this one comes on, but it’s a lovely song and gives a new outlook to monster lovin’!
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Goldfrapp - Monster Love12
Ladytron - I'm Not Scared
This group is particularly perfect for the list. Spikes up those guests of yours that might be dozing off, an puts everyones groove for a bit of some disco and partayh.
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Ladytron - I'm Not Scared13
Cat Power - Werewolf
Okay, this song is a bit sensitive so sequence is essential. The goal is not to play into the majority opinion, but rather to end the playlist with a bone-chilling song that isn’t over the top and just sort of gives your guests a parting (not dying) note.
You may want to make sure that your guests haven’t fallen asleep after chilling out to the second half of this playlist, and if they have fallen asleep then all you have to do is pump up Jacko’s “Thriller” to get them awake. Who knows, the “Thriller” dance may even look better when it’s done by people who are half-asleep.
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Cat Power - WerewolfBONUS TRACKS:
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The White Stripes - Little Cream SodaDownload |
Vampire Weekend - Cape Cod Kwassa KwassaDownload |
The Presets - Talk Like That (Miami Horror Remix)Download |
Ghostface - Ghost Is Back